Week 1

Data visualization

The grammar of graphics and ggplot2 API and designing effective plots

Resource Roundup

We’ll work our way through most of R for Data Science by Hadley Wickham and Garrett Grolemund (R4DS). You can use the free online version or order a physical copy from Amazon.

We’ll also read several chapters in Professor Kieran Healy’s book Data Visualization (SOCVIZ). You can use the free online version or order a physical copy from Amazon (it’s a beautiful book that should probably be on your bookshelf at some point).

It’s important that you read the chapters AND run the code as you go. If you read without coding you are likely to trick yourself into thinking you’ve learned more than you have. This type of material requires most of us to be active learners. Read/Type/Run > Read/Copy/Paste/Run > Read only.

Jan 16: The grammar of graphics and ggplot2 API


During Class

Deck / Materials (zip or github)

After Class (Optional)

Jan 18: Designing effective plots


During Class

Deck / Materials (zip or github)

After Class (Optional)


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Here’s the template to use. Submit your Rmd file to Sakai by 10pm Sunday.